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Valentine’s Day when you get holed up in your garage

February 14, 2020

I had this great idea for Valentine’s Day where I was going to do an ode to my best friend and talk about all the crazy and fun things we’ve endured over the past 30 years (Jesus take the wheel). Then I went into the garage to dig out my favorite old picture of us but after 5 hours of rooting around couldn’t find it so walked back into the house covered in dirt, dust and snot from crying over…

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On life and death

My mom grew up in a three room house on the prairies in Canada. She had seven brothers and sisters. They did not have running water and my grandmother cooked on a coal stove. One of my favorite memories is the time I slept…

November 22, 2016

Unring the bell

I haven’t written here for awhile because my aunt passed away suddenly and all I want to do is curl up in a ball and die, cry, lie in bed and be alone. I suppose this is the grieving process. I thought about including…

March 3, 2016

Say it like you mean it

There’s an old saying that goes something like this:  you can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your family. I’d have to say that hasn’t been the case for me. Last week I got home from two glorious weeks in Hawaii…with my ex-boyfriend’s…

July 23, 2014