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How do they make it look so easy?

I’m going to go ahead, knock on wood and say summer’s not been treating me too badly this year. Aside from combating feelings of uselessness/internal hysteria when people ask how work is or what I do for a living, this whole free time thing…

July 29, 2014

Think on these things

A couple weeks ago some broccoli fell on my head at Whole Foods. Not one bunch, but like all the bunches rolled off the shelf in a torrential downpour of broccoli. I could feel everyone stop and turn around, and the guy next to…

June 11, 2014

Find a happy place

Journal entry from June 5, 2013: I wish I could be a happy person. I don’t even remember what that is. I spent the majority of winter 2013 laid up on the couch recovering from a stroke. As a busy person who’s not used…

May 23, 2014

How to not get your call returned

We spent last week in Big Sur and IT WAS AWESOME. On Sunday, after avoiding it for as long as possible, I checked my voicemail and found the following: “This is so-and-so. My number is xyz-123-abcd. My other number is bla-deb-lahd. {pause, pause, pause,…

May 7, 2014