Browsing Tag

stroke survivor

#StrokeRecovery, it’s a process

Comparison is the thief of joy ~ Theodore Roosevelt A few weeks ago I was approached by a student at the University of Strathclyde to participate in a research project on stroke recovery. Little did she know I’ve been really down about how slow it…

May 14, 2015

Invisalign Impressions: A(nother) lesson in humility

Ever since I was a little kid, the tooth to the right of my central incisor (dental lingo for front tooth) has been kind of crooked. It never bothered me much. Then, a decade ago when I moved to Los Angeles, a dentist warned me…

April 23, 2015

Corkscrew yourself

Chris took that crazy picture of me two months after the last stroke. Some people might be embarrassed have it out there, but I’m not. It marked the first time I was able to put all my weight on my left leg, even though…

February 19, 2015

Sometimes losing means winning

Wrote this before I went to bed last night. Sorry for the crappy iphone pics. Today was a great day for me. I rode my bike to the beach for the first time in 8 weeks; two blocks there and two blocks back +…

November 20, 2014