
It’s V’s world and we’re just living in it

May 19, 2014

I have some deep thoughts bottled up in my head, but last week it was 102 degrees for 5 or 7 days and yeah, no. Every time I sat down at the computer I got lightheaded because not even the A/C units could keep up. <insert fire emoji>. As a result, a considerable amount of the following occurred:

  • Opening the window to see if it cooled down yet, having hot wind blow mercilessly into my face and screaming THIS IS WHAT PEOPLE IN HELL MUST FEEL LIKE.
  • Eating all kinds of junk because, really, who was turning on an oven?
  • Being followed around 24/7 by Benjamin Franklin who was whining relentlessly due to his hatred of heat.
  • Lying very still with the blinds drawn.
  • Watching the lady with the visor all over the news.

Upon a light scan of the evidence I just want to say that while everyone is shouting bloody hell at Donald Sterling, the old, dirty racist who totally deserves it, V. Stiviano has masterminded quite the scenario for herself. images





She  is all over the media and hardly being pointed at for anything other than her array of visors. And she does like a visor.

One minute she’s being charged with petty crimes and the next she’s Donald Sterling’s ‘silly, little rabbit’.


So I guess silly, little rabbit ‘personal assistants’ <emphasis on personal> are totally game for $1.8M homes and Bentleys and Ferraris…and roller skates.

It’s like free tickets to the circus. Donald Sterling’s the elephant and V’s the ringmaster.

Uh boy.





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  • Reply Elena May 21, 2014 at 1:15 am

    She is one cray whack-a-doodle. Did you see Barbara Walter’s face when she told her she was his “silly little rabbit”?! Died.

    • Reply This Free Bird May 22, 2014 at 8:23 pm

      Elena, I’m rolling. I saw that clip and almost passed out. Can you imagine all the insanity Barbara’s heard over the years? And now on the way out of the business, she runs into this kookaracha. I’m just bummed that I missed Dr. Phil give her the 911 yesterday! LOL!!

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